I did a blog survey of 5 classmates. So I want to tell you about result of survey.
I asked…Yukie, Mai, Yuka, Miyu, and Miki!!
1, How many friends links do you have?
5 (1)
8 (1)
10 (3)
2, How often do you check your friend's blogs?
Quite often (4)
Sometimes (1)
3, How many comments do you leave on your friend’s blogs in a week?
1-2 (3)
3-4 (2)
4, Are your comments short or long?
Short (4)
Long (1)
5, Did you make links on your blog?
Yes (5)
6, How many links did you make in each topics?
3 (3)
4 (1)
5 (1)
7, Do you have blog out of this class?Yes (3)
No (2)
8, Were you able to enjoy making your blog?
Yes (4)
No (1)
Of course I could enjoy making blog! Thank you♪
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